ReactJSX Rules

JSX Rules

There are a few key rules to keep in mind when working with JSX:

  1. React component names must be capitalized. Names that don’t begin with a capital letter are treated as built-in components.
  2. JSX allows you to return only one parent element from a given component.

If you need to return multiple HTML elements, wrap them in a single parent tag such as

  • <div></div>
  • <React.fragments><React.fragments/>
  • <></>, or any semantic tag.
const App = () => {
  return (
      <h1>Hello World!</h1>
      <p>Here is some paragraph text</p>

Note that we need to wrap everything we want to return inside the () brackets of return.

  1. In JSX, every tag, must be closed. There are some instances where it may be tedious to rewrite a closing tag, especially when there is nothing in it…such as an <img> tag…here we use self closing tags <img /> instead.
  2. Since JSX is closer to JavaScript than HTML, React DOM uses camelCase for HTML attribute names. For example: tabIndex, onChange, and so on.
  3. JavaScript reserves “class” and “for” as keywords, so use “className” and “htmlFor” instead, respectively.